by E. A. Wallis Budge
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THE welcome which has been accorded to the volumes of this Series, and the fact that some of them
have passed into second and third editions, suggest that these little books have been found useful by
beginners in Egyptology and others. Hitherto the object of them has been to supply information about
the Religion, Magic, Language, and History of the ancient Egyptians, and to provide editions of the
original texts from which such information was derived. There are, however, many branches of
Egyptology which need treatment in a similar manner in this Series, and it has been suggested in many
quarters that the time has now arrived when the publication of a series of groups of texts illustrating
EGYPTIAN LITERATURE in general might well be begun. Seeing that nothing is known about the
authors of Egyptian works, not even their names, it is impossible to write a History of Egyptian
Literature in the ordinary sense of the word.