Freedom Fighters 2003 (PC)
Take to the streets of New York City and fight for your freedom!
In a world where the Soviet Union won the Cold War, a fierce conflict is unfolding in the streets of America. Taking on the role of Christopher Stone, players evolve from an average New Yorker into a fearless patriot who recruits and leads an army of freedom fighters in the streets of New York City. Freedom Fighters™ combines the depth of a squad-based game with the intensity of an action-packed war game that unfolds in the streets, subways, and buildings of the city.
Operating System Windows(r) 98/2000/ME/XP
Processor Pentium III 733MHz or comparable
Memory 128MB
Videocard 32MB D3D With Hardware T&L* capable
Video Card with DirectX8.1
HDD Space 650MB
CD ROM Speed 4 Speed
Soundcard Sound Card with DirectX8.1 or higher compatible Drivers
DirectX DirectX8.1 or higher